ISA22 logo

A Channel Built
for the Future

April 11-13, 2022
Houston, TX or Online Virtually

Bringing Together Channel Stakeholders to Tackle the Issues and Shape the Future.

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Emerging technology. Industry megatrends. Topics that drive change and matter to you. You’ve never experienced an industry event like this. We’re building on the ISA convention you know and love while taking things next level through iconic education, energized engagement opportunities, and a reimagined, modern platform for connections. Part think tank. Part purposeful networking. ALL built for the future.

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What’s New This Year

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A new way to network.

Take part in purposeful networking where you’ll collaborate on thought-provoking industry-specific roundtable discussions designed to shape the future of our channel. We’ll tee up the topics… you’ll drill down on the issues together and become a changemaker.

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An immersive experience.

Sessions will have a unique setup so you feel energized and can easily engage with speakers and each other while collaborating on top-of-mind topics and conversations that are impacting our industry.

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A uniquely curated agenda.

A powerful agenda presented by industry leaders (and End User disruptors) who will tackle the big challenges and opportunities facing the industry. You’ll leave armed with methods to shape the future of our channel and actionable ways you can transform to adapt.

Engage Your Whole Company

C-Suite + Leadership Teams:
In-Person in Houston, TX

Be present without distraction with your decision-maker peers to tackle the industry’s biggest challenges and opportunities. Take part in exclusive strategic and collaborative sessions designed to increase the channel’s value to End Users.

How In-Person Works >

Your High-Potential Talent:
Virtually, Online Everywhere

This is where whole company engagement leads to whole company success. The virtual program complements the in-person program with uniquely curated content that drills deeper into hot-topic subject areas and how to execute lessons learned.

How Virtual Works >

Think Tank Topics Designed for Growth, Relevance and Sustainability.

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Emerging Technology

Technology advancements are quickly changing the way we operate. Learn how advanced technologies like AI, VR, Cyber Security, and more apply to your business and what the channel must do to adapt.

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Industry Megatrends

Supply chain issues, labor shortages, ESG… learn how these megatrends (and more) are affecting the channel and what you must do to stay ahead of the curve and relevant to End Users.

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Voice of the Customer

We’re bringing in experts on the voice of the customer, and even the End Users themselves, to talk about what’s changing, what that means for your company, and how the industrial supply channel must adapt.

View the Agenda
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Enhanced Exhibit Experience

We’re taking things up a notch and fully immersing the exhibits in the in-person education and networking experience. Everything will be connected at ISA22 – the exhibits, education, topic-driven roundtable discussions, networking, and more. Intentional? Yes. What does that mean for you? It means more purposeful connections plus the ability to seamlessly interact with a targeted group of industry partners that are aligned with the messages and learnings you’ll hear during the education sessions.

Purchase Your Booth While Registering
Booths Start at $3,250. 

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Meet Our Sponsors

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See you in Houston, TX or Online Virtually!

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